• Published Date: 17/02/2019
  • by: UNDP

Sustainability in Wonderfruit event

Besides fun experience and music, one of the issues that Wonderfruit focuses on is “sustainability”. Wonderfruit is not only a music activity that promotes environmental cause, but is also a central platform to build awareness, promote creativity, and be a model of inspiration to change behaviour. It also complies with Sustainable Development Goals or SDGs of the United Nation in many aspects, such as the 6th goal of SDGs: have adequate water supply and sustainable water and sanitation management; the 12th goal: support sustainable consumption and production by managing usage of natural resources effectively; or the 2nd goal: achieve food security and support sustainable agriculture by improving livings and supporting small agricultural supply.

Followings are examples of sustainability that happened in Wonderfruit:

Art and agriculture: design of each stage and structure were inspired by nature, using local material and original building techniques, resulted in strong and lasting structures

Eco Pavilion: sitting space in the shade of good red umbrellas from hand-made cottons. The sitting space was divided by bamboos.

Solar Stage: designed by Gregg Fleishman. Architectural structures were put together by modular model in geometry. The wood boards were put against each other without attaching nut. Everyone can climb to each part freely. The architecture was placed at the most appropriate spot for watching the sun at dawn or dusk.

Water: water system of this year’s Wonderfruit was interesting. Because the place of event was moved, there was importation of water from lake in the area. There was no water from other sources in order to reduce carbon footprint happened from transportation.

Bath House: a floating house that was inspired by bathing ritual of Japan and Thailand. Bath House was designed as an oasis for people to come relax inside. All the structures were made from bamboos to make the visitors learn about different water cultures and get positive energy when they went back out. It was designed by Ab Rogers.

Waste: Many would get used to Wonderfruit experience that everyone carries their own bottle or tumbler in order to reduce the amount of waste as much as possible. One of the an interesting trends that grew this year was usage of biodegradable materials, like tapiocas and sugar canes,  which applied to most of the ustensils. They can be reused as roof-tiles.

Working with Sampran Model, a middleman organization that connects producers and consumers in peer-to-peer model to sell organic products. It connects more than 300 fruit gardeners. The producers in the connection therefore also joined this event.

Paper glass produced from tapiocas and sugar canes. It can biodegrade in 180 days and become part of plastic waste reduction.

  • Published Date:
  • by: UNDP

Introducing social innovations that better the world

To prepare for many challenges that will come in 2019, designers, innovators, activists, social entrepreneurs, and everyone can become part of change making and inventing new solutions that concern more about diversity.

Thailand Social Innovation Platform is introducing examples of innovations that are interesting and inspiring social changes nowadays.

1. Starbucks has opened a new branch in Washington: “Signing Store”, which concerns customer that has hearing impairment. It is located next to Gallaudet University which is the only university in the world that was found for deaf students and students with hearing impairment. This Starbucks branch has employees that can fluently communicate with sign language. All the decorating pictures and coffee mugs are painted by deaf artists. An interesting point is a “Deafspace” which is particularly constructed for deaf customers or customers with hearing problems.The drink order can be communicated by writing and there is a big screen that tracks our orders by name. Besides, employees with hearing impairment wear green aprons that are written with a word “Starbucks” with sign language, but other employees without hearing impairment wear standard apron of Starbucks with brooches that are written with “I sign”.

2. Gaming console from Xbox that is designed for disabled gamers or gamers that cannot move their body: Xbox Adaptive Controller. The basic round console is built in horizontal shape to be laid on lap (in case the gamers sit on wheelchairs) to facilitate the gaming. Other devices such as switches or joysticks can be added according to preference. Microsoft has worked with organisations and charities such as The Able Gamers Charity or The Cerebral Palsy Foundation to co-develop the device that respond to every gamer’s need without limitation.

3. Various Emojis that concern hearts of the disabled: it is a good news when Apple has proposed a project to Unicode Consortium, an organisation that inspects Emojis before they are put to use. 13 Emojis such as picture of a person with a wheelchair, guide dog, an ear with a listening device, were added to show that Apple concerns diversity of everyone in the society. These new Emojis will be introduced in the second half of 2019.

4. Joint Data Center, an organization that was found to collect note and data, and analyze data of immigrants or refugees that has become crisis around the world, was established by United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees or UNHCR with World Bank. It has a purpose to analyze population and socio-economic data including key information about sex, age, income, skill, and health. The result from analysis will be used to develop innovations and technologies to help refugees, displaced people, the stateless, the repatriated, and residents in the area, and to specify policies and programs that can give help according to their needs.

These stories are examples that TSIP pick to be inspiration. Anyone can act to impact positive changes in the society. We are ready to be a central platform that realizes every idea, supports them with knowledges, and makes possible ideas become reality.

  • Published Date:
  • by: UNDP

Saturday School International Volunteer: Volunteer to organize learning

Among an  immense number of tourists that come to Thailand, besides landmarks and famous areas to visit, there  are activities to support them form the morning to the evening. Still, Thailand’s tourist industry has gap that can become opportunity. It’s apparent that every tourist wants to have new experience and meaningful trip, but they still lack of insight or in-depth information in tourism that can be acquired from local people. Also, the local people are willing to communicate, but they lack of knowledge and skills in English. Pimpicha Boon-anan, Paphop Moongphianman, and Juthathip Talumassawad therefore started Saturday School International Volunteer, a project that allows tourists to become language instructors that can travel and help local people gain new knowledge.

Tourists can register with Saturday School International Volunteer to teach children in the community. The children will get more English knowledge and skills, while other people in the community can be tour guides. There will be income for local shops and tourists will definitely get travel experience that they cannot get from any guide books.

Saturday School International Volunteer is one of the projects that are awarded by Youth Co:lap. The team was offered an opportunity to attend workshops for project development. They were advised by Local Alike to continuously join various contests to promote the project, increase opportunity that businesses, organizations, partners in each areas will collaborate, and may cause the project to get more fund. By means of personnel limitation, the project must be supported by systems because the first phase of operation is in form of volunteering so there must be pre-calculated solution for personnel changes.

The interesting point from Saturday School International Volunteer is to discover that tourists that become volunteer are willing to work seriously. There are exchanges of teaching approach the each are capable of using to improve the teaching methods for children in Thai school. Each party has different nationality and is willing to join the learning process. In 8 days, there are new teaching and learning processes that make Saturday School International Volunteer become central platform the collect knowledge from collaborative exchange of opinions.

This year, Saturday School International Volunteer comes with activities that tourist volunteer and students did together. Fore those who are interested, please follow the project at  https://www.facebook.com/Saturday-School-International-Volunteer-SSIV-2465208980188258/

  • Published Date:
  • by: UNDP

Seeds Journey: The Journey of Seeds

What to do if knowledge about seasonal food, traditional consumption, and the right way to  store seeds disappear because the young generation don’t pay attention?

Kalaya Chermue and Yutthaphan Phiphatmongkolkul, two young generations from Akha and Paganyaw ethnic group from the north began seeing the problem. Both are new generations that have to continue their education in the city (Chiang Mai). Residing far from home changed their local eating pattern that they had been taught when they were young. They had to focus on convenience and that caused a gap in passing down knowledge of seasonal eating that they once learned from their grandfathers and grandmothers. This absence of knowledge between generations made good food culture disappear. Seasonal eating culture is rich because it responds to good health and entire environmental factors.

Kalaya and Yutthaphan therefore began studying from the beginning, which is local seeds, by working with Center for Ethnic Studies and Development, Chiang Mai University, in collecting seeds and working with farmers. When the first goal was accomplished, both wanted to continue with new goal in creating knowhow and being a bridge between the new generation and the old one because old people in the village know best how to eat and store each kind of food. They could continue their plan by bringing the new generation to learn from communities.  

Because they knew that seeds created variety of food, while local people were still planting and cultivating with traditional approaches, the new generation could help increase efficiency and pass down the knowledge by building management tools for transporting local vegetables, worked with community hospitals, school, and restaurants to directly supply them with vegetables from farms. After that, the opportunity was opened for chefs form restaurants and personnels from hotels to study and invent menus form local vegetables and learn seasonal eating according to growth of local vegetables in each season.

Seed Journey is one of the teams that were selected in Youth Co: lab 2018 project and got the winner prize. After getting the prize and attending workshops for developing project, the important thing the both have learned is field studying. From focusing only on the project’s goal, there was a goal extension in building utility for local people, beginning with hearing more opinions from the people. The result was that, from the first phase that the activities were set all year according to seasons, they were adapt regarding to utility of the community. Seasonal activities were then sorted yearly, for example, processing dried bamboo shoot and cabbage activity was set to produce for needs of local restaurants.

Another thing that they learned was indicating new target group. Initially, they thought that the target of the project was only the new generation, but after the field study, they understood that the real target group was local people, especially the old, because they understood seasonal eating. This project therefore inspired the ideas of local people. Plus, there were restaurant owners that realized the importance of ingredients and were pleased to bring them into their menus, and hotel owners that understood and propose collaboration by opening a space for homestay to support location for workshops. After that, See Journey focused on creating prototype activities, collecting data and knowledge, and communicating with community to create good understanding. In 2019, Seed Journey began selling local products and is still determined in passing on knowledge to create better understanding of seasonal eating.


You can follow the journey of seeds and activities of Seed Journey at https://www.facebook.com/seedsjourney/

Submit Project

There are many innovation platforms all over the world. What makes Thailand Social Innovation Platform unique is that we have created a Thai platform fully dedicated to the SDGs, where social innovators in Thailand can access a unique eco system of entrepreneurs, corporations, start-ups, universities, foundations, non-profits, investors, etc. This platform thus seeks to strengthen the social innovation ecosystem in Thailand in order to better be able to achieve the SDGs. Even though a lot of great work within the field of social innovation in Thailand is already happening, the area lacks a central organizing entity that can successfully engage and unify the disparate social innovation initiatives taking place in the country.

This innovation platform guides you through innovative projects in Thailand, which address the SDGs. It furthermore presents how these projects are addressing the SDGs.

Aside from mapping cutting-edge innovation in Thailand, this platform aims to help businesses, entrepreneurs, governments, students, universities, investors and others to connect with new partners, projects and markets to foster more partnerships for the SDGs and a greener and fairer world by 2030.

The ultimate goal of the platform is to create a space for people and businesses in Thailand with an interest in social innovation to visit on a regular basis whether they are looking for inspiration, new partnerships, ideas for school projects, or something else.

We are constantly on the lookout for more outstanding social innovation projects in Thailand. Please help us out and submit your own or your favorite solutions here

Read more

  • What are The Sustainable Development Goals?
  • UNDP and TSIP’s Principles Of Innovation
  • What are The Sustainable Development Goals?


United Nations Development Programme
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Rajdamnern Nok Avenue, Bangkok 10200, Thailand

Mail. info.thailand@undp.org
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